Thursday, March 1, 2007

Week Eight....

so another week has gone by already, huh? i'm not any closer to eating more raw... but i'm still maintaining my weight loss, so far. my skin is still not happy with my lack of a disciplined diet, and i'm still yearning to get back to a more raw eating plan, but i'm having trouble and here's why:

it's a lot of concentration. you'd think that would be the least of the stumbling blocks, but it's not. i'm so used to thinking about food the way i grew up with it... trying to change 25+ years of it is really difficult. so, if there's anything stressful about my week, then all my concentration about food goes right out the window, and most of you know how stressful i find motherhood to be, so i have to figure out a way to eat the way i want to and still be a mother of 2 growing boys.

if you have any suggestions for me, i'm all ears!