Saturday, November 18, 2006

testing, testing... is this thing on?

ok, so i'm not a writer, and i don't pretend to be. i also refuse to use the caps key unless i'm afraid someone will freak out at me if their name isn't capitalized. i mean no disrespect, people, i'm just a bit lazy.

as for blogging, i'm not really sure what purpose it will serve me. is it like going to the psychologist? just talk and have someone listen? well, i suppose that serves a purpose... should i make this into another fan-obsessed site about she-ra? because you all know i could... :) should i make this a place to write my ramblings about being a mother? that may be it. could be this will be some of all of those and a bit more. how personal is a blog supposed to be, anyway?

in the mean time, sit back, relax, and have a cup of tea... that's what i need right now.