Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Week Three: Diet Report

ok, so i'm still doing rather well... my weight is stabilized at the moment, but i'm hoping to drop some more soon. i think my system is still getting used to the 'new treatment'! :)

anyway, last night i had a cooked bowl of veggie soup. it was delicious, but i'm definitely feeling the process.... my body is speaking quite loudly about it. anyway, i think it's worked it's way through and i should be back to normal now. most of the time, i'm pretty content to just eating raw, but i suppose i had a moment of 'weakness' there...

i have another recipe to post... another dessert! lol! this one is supposed to be formed into balls before eating, but i didn't want to get my hands that messy, so i just left it. if you refrigerate it, it gets much stiffer, but left out it has the consistency of icing! yummy! so, here it is, for all of you who'd like to give it a try. here it is, as given by Alissa Cohen in her book, Living on Live Food:

Fudge Balls
2 cups dates, pitted and soaked (4 hours)
2 cups almond butter
1/2 cup carob powder


  1. In a food processor, blend dates to a smooth paste.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and process until smooth.
  3. Remove from processor and form into round balls.

Note: These will keep for a long time in the refrigerator.
My Personal Notes:
  1. this recipe is expensive for me, so i cut it in half. it still makes plenty.
  2. make sure your food processor is capable of step 2... my small one got so bogged down i switched to my blender.
at any rate, this has a great flavor if you love dark chocolate. i'm a big fan of the dark, not the milk, so i love this.