Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Week Four: Diet Report

ok, so this past week was a bit trying, but not because of the diet... reed has been fussy for some reason... could be teeth, could be he wasn't ready for those mashed potatoes... i really don't know. he goes to see the doc today, so maybe we'll have an answer.

because of the lack of sleep and the endless bouts of crying, we went off the diet for 2 suppers: sunday and monday. however, we are back on full swing, and doing well... in fact, i'm down to 178 this week. (that's my pre-reed weight!)

hopefully, things will get better for poor reed, and we'll all be sleeping better. (kent sleeps right through all the crying, lucky guy!)

it's hard to stay on the diet when i'm overwhelmed, until my patterns of behavior are truly reset. we got pizza on sunday night, and it didn't even really taste that good, but it reminded me of what it used to taste like, and the comfort that it used to bring. who knew that food was that comforting? i honestly didn't think i ate for comfort, but i'm finding out that wasn't true after all. going on a diet like this really lets you evaluate why you eat what you eat. i'd say, the majority of what i ate before was based on tastebuds and comfort. now it's based on nutrition and tastebuds.

i still hate celery, so i'm not eating that (i think it may be more of a texture thing than a taste thing), but i am eating tons of fruits, veggies, and nuts. i know, it sounds boring, but i'm so happy to be freed from most of the chains of food, i can't even describe how it feels. it's nice to not have a battle waging each time i encounter 'bad food'... i don't even struggle with it very often any more... looking at doughnuts and ice cream and brownies and cookies really isn't difficult anymore... i have my own alternatives to them, and i know how much healthier it is: banana ice cream (can be very versatile), fudge balls, and date nut torte do the trick every time, and there's not one bad thing in them. most of these recipes are very quick and easy to make... no baking time!