Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Week Five: Diet Report

ok, so i'm officially off of my 30-day raw challenge, but i'm compelled to pursue the raw lifestyle anyway...

since coming off the raw diet, i've had pizza, chinese food, and a double bacon cheeseburger. i have to say, after all that, i don't feel as good as i've felt all through january. i find i need to drink more water, since i'm not getting any from my food. i feel thirsty. my body feels heavy -- my digestion feels like i've eaten a large brick. actually, a brick might be easier to digest! lol!

anyway, because of this, and the fact that i'm now breaking out, i think i should return to a more raw lifestyle. at least 90% raw is my goal. that would allow for a steamed serving of veggies every day, or a baked potato, or something like that. i'd also keep my hot decaf tea. (occasionally caffeinated since it's more available)

i think i'm ready to start juicing a little again too. i think i want to start reed (my 6-month-old) on some carrot juice too. he's currently loving avocados, bananas, and pears. :) what a cutie!