Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Week Six: Diet Report

ok, so i'm not back to raw the way i'd like, but i'm definitely moving in that direction. my skin is still screaming at me for that pizza, and i am looking forward to when it decides that it's released enough toxins and can go back to normal! ugh.

however, i'm feeling good... except for my exceptionally itchy nose. isn't there supposed to be something about an itchy nose, like someone's talking about you, or something? if that's the case, then someone is holding a 24-hour gossip session! i seriously think i've got some sort of alien implantation device lodged in my nose... why they're tracking me, i have no clue.

ok, so this wasn't much diet related, but let me tell you an awesome story about my purchase of bananas the other week...

My 'Buying Bananas' Story:
i went to meijer, and they always have some produce at a reduced price, since it's past it's prime... well, i go over, and there's nothing there... bummer. so i ask one of the workers if they're planning on putting anything out. they said, 'yeah, we just haven't had a chance to do it yet. see that cart over there? that's what we're doing for today.' he indicated a cart full of the most amazing bananas... and i thought those were the ones they were putting out at full price!

he said he'd ring some up for me, and asked how many i needed. i bashfully replied, 'a lot, actually...' he offered to get me a box, and i took him up on it. he filled this box full of bananas... i cleared out the cart! i brought home 94 bananas! lol! the best part... how much do you think i paid for 94 bananas? ready? $2.00! that's right! about 2 cents per banana! i couldn't believe it!

ok, so that's my report this week... meijer has the best bananas ever.

oh, one more banana tip: bananas are good until the ends of their stems turn black and crunchy. once the stems are like that, they're basically only good for freezing, or making into fruit leather. you can generally ignore the way the rest of the banana looks when determining desirability.