Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week Seven...

ok, so it's been a stressful week... after a fun (seeing joni!) but tiring (traveling with 2 kids) vacation to nashville, we haven't had a full night at home yet! urgh. on the plus side, kent is now sleeping in a real bed and we are now down to just one crib! hooray for kent! :) (now, if we could just get that potty training and pacifier done...)

all this stress really gets to me, and i find myself not able to stick to new routines as easily... so, while i'm still mostly vegan, i've had more cooked food than i'd like. i'm still having only fruit until dinner on good days, and on bad days, i'll start having snacks in the afternoon, but healthy ones. still, the snacks are more to combat stress than they are to combat hunger. i also need to watch how much snacking i do after dinner... some days are ok, others, not so much!

anyway, i need to do another batch of dehydrating, so i'll have more good stuff to munch around on... peas/corn chips and fruit leather are on my list! i'm also going to try to do some potato chips too... i tried it with sweet potatoes but i didn't like that, so i'm going to try normal ones instead. i don't know why a lot of the recipes i have suggest the sweet potato... for a crunchy snack, i don't want sweet, i want salty... ah well. i'll get it sorted out one of these days!


Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged. I'm finding out that eating, although very important, shouldn't be such a burdensome thing. Somehow, there must be a way to eat healthily and it not be such a chore. Let's figure this out together. I'm proud of you and your desire to eat in a healthy manner.