Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Week Two: Diet Report

well, we took a brief hiatus on the diet... we had some company in this weekend, so for 2 days we ate 'normal' food. my system seemed to handle it fine, but my weight loss has halted, and i've possibly gained a pound or two... anyway, we're back on it, full swing, again.

i do find that when i'm on this diet, i'm happier eating less quantity food, but eating more often. up till around lunch-time, i'm just ingesting fruit and hot tea. at lunch, i'll have some salad or homemade chips and salsa, and some date nut torte for dessert. then, during the afternoon, i can snack on nuts or raisins... dinner resembles lunch, with some homemade applesauce added... all this when i still need to hit the grocery! we're nearly out of food for the week, and i'm not 'supposed' to shop until tomorrow... but i think i may have to make a small run to the store today.

it's a challenge to know how much fruit and veggies to buy, i'll admit... when they are all you are eating, it's a big switch... one bunch of bananas just isn't going to cut it, but how many will? last week, i bought 4 bunches, and i'm down to two, which won't make it. i just have to start taking some notes during the week! we go through a ton of bananas, a decent amount of apples, and gobs of raisins... i'll bet grapes wouldn't last long either, but i haven't bought any of those in a while... at any rate, the good thing about most fruit is, if you don't get to it in time, you can freeze it to use later. no waste! :) you can take it out and blend it into a smoothie, or thaw it, blend it and dehydrate it into fruit leather... both are nice options, but the smoothie is much faster!